Do you want to start your best adventure and get to know your mates better, without having to stop by the Nighthawk?
This is the best opportunity to put on the table a magnificent modular setting, in resin, and see your miniatures come to life.
Run to see in the gallery, the new photos and redo your eyes! 😉
Category: New Elements
DungeoNext Add New Setting!! “Old Mines” series by Miniworlds
News for DungeoNext, from today you can see on the site, the set of sets of the old “Miniworlds” recently acquired.
You can order while stocks last, write an email or a message on the fb page! Get yourself or make a unique gift, adding a unique setting to your modular dungeons!
Miniworlds acquired by DungeoNext

For about a month the agreement was signed in which Miniworlds by Giuseppe Cicero, passes to me Massimiliano, creator and owner of DungeoNext, all rights and intellectual property of the project.
You can then ask and see on the site, all the lines that you already knew or that you do not know yet, and join them to mine! Each set and module is perfectly compatible …. integrating various environments and rooms is really interesting.
Adding the “Dark Catacombs” to my natural stone dungeons, making the pitch perfect, varying in any kind of structure can have an adventurous underground for your players! 🙂
See you next time

Good morning everybody! Christmas is almost in the air! Cold has finally come and I don’t have anymore casting problems with the resin and the molds due to the heat. Moreover, I am always more and more motivated in creating new things that will make it into DungeoNext next sets!
What do you guys need? Doors, columns, new walls? Well then, here’s everything, follow me for more details soon!
Here you can see the new column that I will make as usual, with and without tiles. You can use it alone or doubled for a high ceiling effect. Also, sneak a peek at the new wall with triple column.
Now, am I, or am I not doing my best to make you happy? 😉
New elements – Columns

Here’s a sneak a peek on the first copies of a new modular set by DungeonNext!
New columns, walls with integrated columns, falling walls with wooden beams and wall with magic gate! I really hope you like them, and it’s just the beginning! From now until Christmas there will be several new modules!
The Door

For all the dungeons lovers, by popular demand, here comes the DOOR! It can be used with any other set and it’s 100% compatible with all the inch/2.5 cm based tiles existing system. It’s not yet ready, a couple of final touches and I will be happy to add it to our catalog!